In this article, we discuss What is Shunya Mudra? How does it work? The word “Shunya” derived from Sanskrit means “Zero” or “Emptiness” or “Openness” and “Mudra” means gesture. In Hasta Mudra shastra there are approximately 399 Mudras; thus it is called “Hand Gesture” and one is Shunya Mudra performed for Emptiness.

What is Shunya Mudra? How does it work?
As we discussed according to Hasta Mudra Shastra What are Mudras? How do they work? The meaning of Shunya is Emptiness or Openness so when you perform the Shunya Mudra your body becomes Empty or Open, the specific meaning here is that you become light in your thoughts and become a state of mindfulness. We know the Shunya Mudra represents the “Akash Tattva” and this gesture is designed to decrease the space element of the Sky element.
The Shunya Mudra also represents an emotion or any aspect of nature, they believe that it has therapeutic benefits. This mudra involves the movement of fingers, hands, head, and body when it is performed with specific Yoga Asana or with Pranayama What is Pranayama?it is more beneficial for Students and Intellectual people.

The science of Shunya Mudra
The Shunya Mudra is a powerful gesture using the middle finger and thumb simultaneously. The Middle finger represents the space element in our body, and the thumb represents the fire element. According to our ancient sages, Shunya mudra is taught to provide access to heaven by harnessing the fire and space elements (“Tattvas”) When certain elements are balanced in our body, we become healthy and stress-free.
As we know the Air and Space element is responsible for focus, hearing and thought processes in our body, regular practice of the Shunya Mudra allows you to get powerful memory as it declutters the mind and enhances the clarity of mind. It also reduces anxiety and stress, thus you achieve the desired goal and perform your task happily.
The therapeutic benefits of the Shunya Mudra are that it alleviates ear problems like hearing loss, tinnitus, and earache. It heals the echoing sound in the air.
Our chakras also activate from any of the five elements, the ether element responsible for activating our three chakras all these three chakras are controlled by the Shunya Mudra these three chakras are.
Throat Chakra (“Vishudha”)
Third Eye Chakra (“Agnya”)
Crown Chakra (“Sahastrar Chakra”) (“BhramaRandra”)
Hence, the Shunya Mudra is associated with higher learning and hearing the inner mantra and the sound of chakras.
The Shunya Mudra also enhances the power of muscles, so one can practice with Yoga Asana. Let us discuss How to perform the Shunya Mudra.
Step 1.: Select the calm and clean place where fresh air running around you.
Step 2.: Sit on your Yoga mate in a comfortable pose like “Sukhasana” “Siddhasana” or “Padmasana”
Step 3.: Keep your both hands on your knees
Step 4.: Keep your eyes closed and do deep breathing three times, he relaxes.
Step 5.: First, open your palm, then bend your middle finger in such a way that the tip of the middle finger will press the base of your thumb.
Step 6.: Put your thumb on that middle finger and press gently.
Step 6.: Other fingers will remain open and straight.
Step 7.: Keep your breathing pattern normal, do not increase or decrease your breath.
Step 9.: Focus on your breathing (How Inhaling and exhaling)
Step 10.: Keep a slight smile on your face.

- Focus on any of the three chakras while performing the Shunya Mudra.
- Do not press your thumb harshly otherwise, your finger gets pain.
Nowadays, people perform the Shunya Mudra while walking, standing or sitting in front of the Television, this is the magic of the Mudra and you will get the same benefit by performing it. So as and when you get some time you have to perform this, Mudra.
5 to 15 minutes daily.
- While practising this mudra in Meditation, gives us mental peace and sharpens our mental strength.
- Improving our memory power and concentration is very beneficial for students and service class people.
- It is connected with Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and Crown Chakra so that this mudra gives us stability and calmness of mind.
- Remove Fear, Anxiety and Depression.
- Remove your addiction.
- It directly affects your nervous system and Pituitary gland therefore it is beneficial to remove diabetes, Alzheimer’s, insomnia and Hypopituitarism
- Helps to, maintain proper blood circulation in the body as it affects on Pineal Gland and regulates the Endocrine gland.
- Improve your immune system and metabolism.
- Remove negativity from your mind, and you become a pure and positive person.
- It removes negativity like Anger, Fear, and jealousy.
- Helps to improve positivity like confidence, decision power and one Aura
- You look like more young, enthusiastic and charming person.
- The person having chronic syndrome of cold benefits much as this mudra generates heat in the body.
- As this mudra generates heat, therefore your practice if you are suffering from “Pitta Dosh”
- Stop when you feel fatigued or ill.
- Do not put on warm clothes, wear loose and comfortable clothes.
- If one is pregnant or has undergone some surgery should take advice from their doctor.
- A person suffering from Blood Pressure should contact their doctor before performing the Shunya Mudra.
Q1.: Who can perform the Shunya Mudra?
Ans: Anyone can perform the Shunya Mudra provided the person has not undergone any treatments.
Q2.: When can Shunya Mudra perform?
Ans.: Anytime. (for want of spiritual benefit perform the Shunya Mudra from 4 am to 6 am called Brahma Muhurta)
Q3.: Can the Shunya Mudra Perform after a meal or tea, coffee?
Ans.: NO. (Can perform after 2 hours)
Q4.: Can the Shunya Mudra perform before a meal?
Ans: Yes.
Q5. Which season is beneficial for performing the Shunya Mudra?
Ans: Any season (When the person is comfortable) But more beneficial in Winter.
Q6.: Students can perform the Shunya Mudra?
Ans.: Yes, Students and Service class people.
Q7.: How to perform this mudra by a Fatty person who is not able to sit on the ground
Ans.: The Shunya Mudra can perform on a chair too.
You know What is Shunya Mudra? If it is performed with some Yoga Asana, it is more beneficial because it gives combined effects on your body, and you become fit and fine mentally as well as Physically.
What is Shunya Mudra? How does it work? You know very well The person having a thyroid problem should do the Shunya Mudra regularly as it stimulates the Throat Chakra.
Very good and new learning, that anybody can perform anytime. Thanks!!