In this article, we are discussing about What is Pranayama? In simple and easy language. Pranayama has a special place and importance in Ashtanga Yoga. Pranayama is the 4th limb of Ashtanga Yoga the Patanjali Yoga Sutras. What is Patanjali Yoga Sutra?The different Yogacharyas have defined it in different ways and have given roughly similar meanings. The fourth form of Ashtanga Yoga is “Pranas Sayam its Pranayama” meaning the expansion of Prana itself is Pranayama. By practising Pranayama daily, our vital power increases greatly.
What is pranayama?
Maharshi Patanjali describes the following in verse 49 of the Sadhana pada of Patanjali Yoga Sutras.
“Tasmin Asti Swas Prashwas Yogarti Vichada: pranayama”
Simply we can say after achieving Asan Siddhi controlling the natural movement – stopping and equalizing by inhaling the breath, stopping the breath then exhaling the breath is called pranayama. (Control over the natural process of breathing)
pranayama is made up of two words “Prana” + “Ayam”. “Prana” means nothing but “Life-force” Prana is an energy that pervades the entire universe at some level. Prana energy exists in a subtle, energetic form in all living beings therefore Prana contains energy, radiance, power, and life-enhancing power. As we discuss earlier control over the natural process of breathing.
Expanding and then controlling the breath, the subject of Pranayama is vast there are unlimited possibilities hidden in it. pranayama is not an imaginary action its influence immediately becomes subtle in many actions of pranayama. In today’s age, a person has become more stressed living unhealthy lifestyles, required to know about themself and make a balanced life.
We see in our surroundings so many people are living a very stressful life, with imbalanced metabolism systems, low energy, weak memory power and weak muscle power. To overcome these problems some practical reasons they want to stabilise themselves and forget the pain of consuming drugs and smoking addict, but after consuming intoxicants they do not get real peace in life because this is not a permanent solution. We have empirically observed that by adopting pranayama in our routine life, A powerful medium can solve so many problems.
Thus, the logic of Pranayama is beyond any debate, to learn it requires patience joy, dedication, and consistence practice, under good mentorship it is more meaningful for our life and others.
What is Pranayama? By Ayurveda
According to Ayurveda while asserting the special and important place of Vayu Maharshi Charak has clearly stated in Charak Samhita Sutras 12/7 that there are five types of “Pranas” and our body protected by this called “Vayu-Sharir” (Physical body) and “Sharirik Avayav” (Internal Organs) that is as under.
- Prana
- Udan
- Saman
- Appan
- Vyana
These five “Vayu” (Pranas) are the originator, controller and creator of all physical organs, the originator, controller and creator of all physical efforts, the enabler of all the senses to perceive their respective subjects, the sustainer of all the metals of the body, the annihilator. Initiator of five senses like speech, smell, see, hearing, touch (also refer in NLP) and nature of healing. The origin of organs, pleaser of excitement, and absorber of doshas (intoxic) pran is also responsible for illuminating the stomach, organizer of Prasveda (Sweat) urine, purish, vista (stool), power (sperm) etc. Faecal matter is a penetrator of macro and micro sources. Thus Vayu (Pran) helps age or sustenance of life. It is also called “Matrishwa” means “Vayu” (Life). So, our Past, Present and Future all depend upon “Prana” only.
What is Pranayama? By Hat Yoga Pradipikca
Chale vate chalam chttam nishchalam bhavet |
Yogi sthanutvampnoti tato vayu nirodham|
Means: The basic nature of Vayu (Pran) also called Breath is uncontrollable means unstable as we know that we can not touch the Vayu – Gas (Oxygen) but feel the Oxygen by breathing. Therefore imbalance of breath our “Chitta” or “Man” (Mind) also becomes imbalanced and opposite that if we control our breathing pattern, we can control our Mind easily.
Thus, we achieve peace, stability, calmness, and long life without any disease whether it is mental or physical. Yogis are experts in controlling breathing by performing different technics of Pranayama and live 100 or can say beyond that healthily very easily.
How to Control our breath?
Gradually, systematically and scientifically inhaling and exhaling our breath through some yogic techniques one can control over breath and after all our mind.
Sanskrit terms represent an English term as under in this paragraph.
- “Angushtha” means Thumb.
- “Nasagriva” means Nossal.
- “Anamika means Ring finger.
- “Kanishthika” means Litter finger.
- “Siddh asana” means the Right leg folds first under and presses slightly our reproductive organ then puts the left leg up on the right leg.
- “Padmasana” means the Right leg folds first then the Left leg puts on it in such a way that it crosses it. (Very useful for student and mediation)
Yogis sit in a clean, fresh place in a comfortable pose (Siddh asana or Padmasana) and make “Vishnu mudra”, Hold their nose with their right fingers, press the right nostril with the right thumb and alternatively press the left nostril with the last two fingers with Ring Finger and Little Finger.
Before understanding the method of Pranayama should know the basic terms used in Pranayama and Nadhishodhan kriya.
Basic terms in Pranayama and Nadishodhan Kriya
- Purak – Inhale breath
- Rechak – Exhale breath
- Kumbhak -Hold the breath
- AtahaKumbhak -Hold breath while Inhaling
- BahyaKumbhak -Hold breath while exhaling
What is Nadi (“Naad”)?
According to Patanjali Yoga Sutras “Nadi” (“Trun” in Sanskrit) means Stream, Tube or Pipe. In ancient Yoga and Ayurvedic traditions, practitioners believe that there are thousands of Nadis or subtle energy channels travelling throughout the physical body. They are not visible to the naked eye yet run alongside the nerves, blood vessels and other anatomical structures as well as organs to control our whole mental and physical system, that is also called “Shushma Sharir” which is again invisible, and Pranayama is such a Powerful technic to control overall system. Now you can understand the Power of Pranayama.
According to the Oxford dictionary “Nadi” means the group of thousands of Tubes and Pipes in the Physical body that circulate blood and oxygen through the heart in our body.
According to Science “Nadi” means Nerve the channel of thousands of subtle in an anatomical structure.
According to Kundalini Yoga “Nadis” consciousness. The literal meaning of “Nadi” is “flow”. Just as the negative and positive forces of electricity flow through complex circuits, in the same way, prana shako (vital force) and manas shako (mental force) flow through every part of our body via these Nadis.
According to Tantras, there are 3,50,000 total groups of Nadi but we know 72,000 such naid or channels or networks through which the stimuli flow like electric current from one point to another point can say from fingers to head in the human body, we are discussing 14 important Nadi’s as under.
- Shushumna
- Ida
- Pingala
- Gandhari
- Hastajiva
- Kuhu
- Saraswati
- Pusha
- Shankhini
- Payaswini
- Varuni
- Alambusha
- Vishwodara
- Yashswini
But more impasses we are talking about the important 3 Nadis (Channels) which are Ida, Pingala and Shushmna. Overall Pranayama represent controlling our breath through these 3 Nadis
These 3 Nadis are most important for Kundalini Jagran kriya (The vital force or energy that all hold within us. Offen called a “sleeping goddess “or “serpent power”) latent female energy believed to lie coiled at the base of the spine. The Kundalini is awaking by meditating and doing Pranayama on this Ida, Pingala and Shushnuma Nadi
- Pingala Nadi represent Surya called Surya Nadi (Solar Nadi – Solar Power)
- Ida Nadi represent Chandra called Chandra Nadi (Lunar Nadi – Moon Power)
- Shushmna Nadi represents the Neutral Channel
The Ida and Pingala Nadis are often seen as referring to the two hemispheres of the brain.
Pingala is the extroverted (Active). Solar Nadi corresponds to the right-hand side of the body and is controlled via the right nostril.
Ida is the introverted lunar Nadi and corresponds to the left-hand side of the brain. (there is a contra lateralization)
Thus, stimulating these 3 Nadi by using different Pranayama can control breathing patterns we can control over our mind. This is the Power of Pranayama.
After awakening Kundalini – The vital force flows through this channel upward by crossing all seven chakras of the human body. That is also called “Chakra Bhedan” means Chakra Penetration.
Hope you guys now understand What is Pranayama?
Pranayama is the fourth limb of Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali Yoga Sutras.
Pranayama means simply we can say the systematic, scientific, controllable and gradual breathing technique that finally controls our mind and we can achieve our desired goals.
Q1: Who can do Pranayama?
Ans: Anyone can do Pranayama from 18 age to 99 years of age provided
- A person not suffering from High Blood Pressure or any type of health problems.
- Pregnant ladies are not to perform pranayama or take advice from a medical practitioner.
Q2: Is Pranayama beneficial for weight loss?
Ans: Yes definitely
Q3: Why do we calld Pranayama is 4th limb?
Ans: There are 8 limbs of Ashtanga Yog from Patanjali Yoga Sutras.What is Patanjali Yoga Sutra?
- Yam
- Niyam
- Aasan
- pranayama
- Pratyahara
- Dharna
- Dhyan
- Samadhi
Q4: What is the best time to perform Pranayama?
Ans: Basically, Pranayama can perform at any time without any hesitation. The best time to do pranayama is early morning when we can consume fresh oxygen and vital force.
Q5: Can Pranayama perform immediately after a meal?
Ans: No
Remember you can do Pranayama at least three hours after meals.
Q6: How long after Pranayama is to eat a meal?
Ans: Wait at least 30-40 minutes to eat a meal after performing Pranayama.
Q7: Can Pranayama do while driving?
Ans: No, Never
It is important to drive first besides doing Pranayama while driving. It is a foolish manner.
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