What is Plavini Pranayama?

In this article, we discuss What is Plavini Pranayama? The word “Plavini” is made of the root word  “Plu”  is derived from Sanskrit meaning “floating”  The master of the Plavini Pranayama can easily float on water. This is an ancient yogic breathing technique that originated in India.


What is Plavini Pranayama?
What is Plavini Pranayama?

What is Plavini Pranayama?

As discussed The Master of Plavini Pranayama can float on the water like a leaf. This Pranayama regulates the “Pran” (Lifeforce) and a person becomes as light as a leaf. When we perform this Pranayama we swallowing air like water and when air enters into the body it helps that person to become in natural shape and get the ability to levitate. Before practicing this Pranayama person should do nadi shodahn pranayama 4 Methods of Nadi Shodhan Pranayama. What is Nadi Shodhan?to regulate his breathing pattern. Yogis and Students  Let us know the method of Plavini Pranayama.

Plavini Pranayama
  Plavini Pranayama floating breath like a leaf

Method :

Step 1.: Choose a Clean and calm place to perform Pranayama

Step 2.: Sit on your yoga mate with “Padmasana” or “Siddh Asana” or “Sukh Asana” (Cross legs position) where you can sit comfortably long time. You’re both hands on your knees with Gyan mudra.

 Gyan Mudra

Step 3.: Keep your spine, neck and head straight line.

Step 4.: Inhale breath from both nostrils gently in such a way that your stomach looks like a balloon.

Step 5.: Deep inhale and do Antar Kumbhak for some seconds (hold your breath inside)

Step 6.: Try to touch your chin to your chest. (can do Jaladhar Band)

Step 7.: Exhale breath slowly and gently from both nostrils.

Step 8.: Focus on Agna Chakra while retaining your breath inside (Antar Kumbhak)

Step 9.: This is one chakra (Set) –  repeat 3 Sets.

Note :

While doing Antar Kumbhak ratain as much as in your stomach not in the lungs.

Time :

5 to 10 minutes according to disease.


Let us discuss the benefits of Plavini Pranayam?



General doubts of people of What is Plavini Pranayama?

Q1: Who can do Pranayama?

Ans: Anyone can do Pranayama from 18 age to 99 years of age provided A person not suffering from any health-related issues or has undergone some treatment.

Pregnant lady not to perform pranayama or take advice from a medical practitioner.

Q2: Is Pranayama beneficial for weight loss?

Ans: Yes definitely

Q3: How many times practice this Pranayama?

Ans: Plavini Pranayama perform up to 5 to 10 minutes only.

Q4.: When should practice this Pranayama?

Ans.: Any suitable time, morning or evening. More beneficial while performing in the morning as there is a fresh oxygen level.

Q5.: Is this Pranayama can do after a meal?

Ans.: No, never perform Plavini Pranayama after meal.

Q6.: Is this Pranayama can do before a meal?

Ans.: Yes, you can do Plavini Pranayama before a meal but do a relaxing Asana like Shavasana after performing this Pranayama then take a meal at least after 15–20 minutes.

Q7.: Can student perform Plavini Pranayama?

Ans.: Yes, definitely to increase memory power.

Q8.: Can this Pranayama perform in Summer?

Ans.: Yes.

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