8 Best Yoga Poses for Belly Fat

In this article, we are discussing regarding 8 Best Yoga Poses for Belly Fat As we all know today’s competitive world everyone is suffering from so many health-related issues whether it is mental or physical that as obesity, due to stress, anxiety, lazy lifestyle, erratic slipping patterns, unhygienic junk food intake habit and a lack of exercise. Regular practising some Yoga Asanas will not only improve your muscle strength but also increase flexibility. To reduce belly fat, I select 8 Best Yoga Poses for Belly Fat from Hat Yog Shastra and Patanjali Yog Shastra.

8 Best Yoga Poses for Belly


8 Best Yoga Poses for Belly Fat

After COVID waves, everyone is conscious regarding their health. Yog Shastra is a method to improve your immune system, and mental strength at the same time reduce excess fat without any side effects or injury in muscles. Selected Yoga Asanas stimulate the organs that control your appetite, digestion and metabolism systems. When these three variables are triggered by some Yoga Asanas you will begin to lose weight as well as excess fat from your belly area. 8 Best Yoga Poses for Beginners

Weigh Lose

1. Boat Pose (Uthitpadhastasana)

The word Uthitpadhastasana is derived from “Uthit” + “Pad” + “Hast” + “Asana” , “Uthit” means to lift, “Pad” means Legs, “Hast” means Hands and “Asana” means pose. The final pose of this Asana looks like a Boat.

Boat pose

Method :

Step 1.: Sit comfortably with a straight forward of your legs.

Step 2.: Hold your right leg’s thumb with your right hand.

Step 3.: Hold your left leg’s thumb with your left hand.

Step 4.: Take a deep breath and lift your both legs upward.

Step 5.: Stretch your hands and sit only on your buttocks.


Inhale while lifting your legs exhale while coming back.


Repeat this pose 5-6 times stay at least 30 to 50 seconds in the final pose.


  • Stimulate your stomach area.
  • Reduce unnecessary fat from your belly area.
  • Benefit in your reproductive system (stimulate your hormones and power)
  • Legs and Hands become flexible and their muscles become strong.
  • Strengthen and flexible your back, spin, hip flexors and nack
  • Improve your vision system, and reduce your gastric trouble.
  • Improve your eyesight when you concentrate on your both thumbs.
  • The kidneys, thyroid and prostate glands as well as the intestines are all stimulated.
  • Boosts metabolism.
  • Develop your concentration by challenging awareness.


Keep Balance in the final position. Do not perform who are suffering from high blood pressure.

2. Camle Pose (Usthtrasana)

Ushtrasana word derived from “Ushtra” + “Asana”;  “Ustra” means Camle and “Asana” means Pose. The final pose of this asana looks like Camle.

Camle Pose New

Method :

Step 1.: Sit on Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)

Step 2.: Stand on your both knees.

Step 3.: Stretch you both hands upward.

Step 4.: Bend your upper body backside.

Step 5.: Catch your right foot with your right hand and your Left foot with your left hand.

Step 6.: Bend your neck backwards.

Step 7.: Stretch your upper body upward. (neck, chest, stomach)

Step 8.: Stay in a comfortable position.


Inhale while starting your pose up to a bending position exhale while holding your feet then breathe normally.


Repeat 5-6 times and stay 20 to 30 seconds in the final position.


Focus on swadhishthan chakara.(Sacral chakra) secondly, focus on muladhar chakra (Root chakra) and squeeze your buttock inside for more benefits.


  • Reduce excess fat, and make the body lean and flexible.
  • Relieve menstrual problems (one of the best poses for ladies)
  • Helps female to open up their pelvic region.
  • Helps to tone your back, thigh, glutes and hip muscles.
  • Stimulate your respiratory system.
  • Reduce diabetes.
  • Powerful pose to reduce constipation.
  • Reduce excess fat from the belly area and reduce gastric trouble as well as stomach-related problems.
  • Reduce any problems related to the reproductive system and help to enhance your sex power.
  • Help to increase eyesight.
  • Smoothen your vocal system (beneficial for singers)
  • Reduce thyroid problems.
  • Enhance memory power.
  • Enhance immune system and metabolism.
  • Stronger your hands and hamstring muscles.
  • Stronger your shoulder muscles
  • Brings a sense of liberation and emotional relief.
  • Give comfort against fears and anxieties.


Do not perform who are suffering from high blood pressure and knee pain.

3. Wind reliving pose ( Pawanmuktasana)

Pawanmuktasana word derived from “Pawan” + “Mukta” + “Asana”; “Pawan” means Gas, “Mukta” means release and “Asana” means Pose. This pose releases excess trapped gas from the stomach.

Wind releving pose

Method :

Step 1.: lay down on your back straight.

Step 2.: Now exhale and hold your breath outside then bend your right leg towards yourself.

Step 3.: Hold your right leg with both hands.

Step 4.: lift your head in such a way that your right knee touches your nose.

Step 5.: Press your stomach with a bent knee.

Step 6.: Remember your second leg should be parallel to the ground.

Step 7.: Inhale and back to normal position.

Step 8.: Repeat the same steps with the Left leg.

Step 9.: Repeat the same steps with Both legs also.

Breathing :

Exhale when you touch your nose to your knee Inhale while coming back to normal.

Time :

Repeat 5 to 10 times and hold 20 seconds in final posture.

Benefits :

  • Remove excess trapped gases from your body.
  • Remove old arthritis and back pain slowly while practising regularly.
  • Remove constipation, food depicts, disinclination towards food.
  • Remove laziness.
  • Relief in appendicitis.
  • Blood becomes purified by removing impurities from the blood.
  • Relief in headaches, mental weakness etc.
  • Remove excess fat and obesity.
  • Strengthen your back and neck.


Do not perform who are suffering from severe back pain, sciatica and high blood pressure.

4. Cobra Pose (Bhujagasana)

Bhujangasana word derived form “Bhujang” + “Asana” ; “Bhujang” means cobra and “Asana” means pose. The final pose of this asana looks like a Cobra.

Cobra Pose New


Step 1.: lying on a clean and even surface on the stomach.

Step 2.: Keep both hands beside your hips.

Step 3.: Keep your legs joined and straight.

Step 4.: Press the ground with your palm slowly

Step 5.: Slowly and gently lift your torso upward up to naval level.

Step 6.: Bend your neck backside and see the sky or ceiling with open eyes.

Step 7.: Open your chest and press your stomach.

Breathing :

Inhale while lifting your torso upward and exhale while coming back to normal position. Keep normal breathing in the final posture.

Time :

Repeat 5 – 6 times and hold 20 seconds in final posture.

Benefits :

  • This asana gives maximum stretch over your back and stomach area.
  • Your body becomes flexible.
  • Reduce excess fat from the Stomach area.
  • Strong your back and neck.
  • Strong your shoulder and leg muscles
  • Your eyesight becomes powerful.
  • Very useful for ladies in their decease.
  • Your metabolism will be regularised.
  • Your immune system becomes powerful.
  • Relief in constipation and indigestion problems.
  • Helpful Service class people who are sitting a long time against the computer.
  • Relief in shoulder problem.
  • Relief in cervical problems.

Caution :

Do not perform pregnant ladies and patients suffering from hernia, peptic ulcer and high blood pressure.

5. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

Dhansurasana word derived from “Dhanur” + “Asana”; “Dhanur” means Bow and “Asana” means pose. The final pose of this asana looks like a Bow.

Bow Pose New

Methods :

Step 1.: lying on a clean and even surface on the stomach.

Step 2.: Keep both hands beside your hips.

Step 3.: Keep your legs joined and straight.

Step 4.: Press the ground with your palm slowly

Step 5.: Slowly and gently lift your torso upward up to naval level.

Step 6.: Bend your neck backside and see the sky or ceiling with open eyes.

Step 7.: Open your chest and press your stomach.

Breathing :

Inhale while you leave your torso and exhale while coming back.

Time :

Do 5 -6 times and hold 15 seconds to 1 minute in the final posture.

Focus on Muladhar chakra (Root Chakra) or Vishudha chakra (Throat Chakra)


  • Remove old and chronic indigestion problems.
  • Remove excess fat from your body.
  • Your arms, shoulders, neck and back become strong and flexible.
  • Eyesight becomes strong.
  • Your legs and hips become strong.
  • Very useful for students as it improves your blood circulation and calms your mind.
  • Beneficial in constipation.
  • Very beneficial ladies for to regularize their reproductive system.
  • Very helpful service class people who are sitting most of time in from of computer.
  • Very helpful for cervical problems.

Caution :

Do not perform this asana who are suffering from intestine, kidney, ulcer, or hernia problems.

Do not perform high blood pressure patients.

Do not perform for pregnant ladies.

6. Forward Bend (Padhastasana)

Padhastasana word derived from “Pad” + “Hast” + “Asana” “Pad” means Leg, “Hast” means Hand, and “Asana” means pose. The final pose is that you touch your both legs with both hands while forward bending.



Step 1.: Stand in mountain pose.

Step 2.: Keep 1 feet distance between your both legs.

Step 3.: Bend your body forward while breathing out.

Step 4.: Put your palm below your feet.

Step 5.: Try to touch your forehead to your knees.

Step 6.: Do not bend your knees.


Exhale while forward bending stay 5 to 10 seconds then inhale while coming back.


Repeat 5-6 times and stay 5 to 10 seconds or as per your capacity.


  • Very useful for obesity.
  • Useful who are suffering from gastric trouble.
  • Remove excessive fat from the belly area.
  • Stop hair falling
  • Eyesight becomes powerful.
  • Your face becomes glowing and bright.
  • You look 5 to 10 years younger.
  • Your metabolism becomes regularized thus you boost your immune system.
  • Sharpen your memory power very useful for students.


7. Plow pose ( Halasana)

Halasana word derived from “Hal” + “Asana”; “Hal” means Plow and “Asana” means pose.

The final pose looks like a plough. This is the one of classic poses of all asanas.

Plow Pose New

Method :

Step 1.: lying on your back in a comfortable position.

Step 2.: Do Sarvangasana pose.

Step 3.: Now lower your back slightly for balance.

Step 4.: Touch your both feet on the ground from over your head.

Step 5.: Keep both legs straight.

Step 6.: Spread your both hands on the ground in opposite directions.

Breathing :

Inhale and hold breathing while going for the final pose after reaching the final pose do normal breathing and exhale while coming back.

Focus on Vishudha chakra.

Time :

Repeat 5 – 7 times holding 20 seconds in the final pose.

Benefits :

  • This asana gives you strength and power you look younger.
  • Spin and hips become strong and do not bend even in old age.
  • Give strength to heart and back.
  • Blood becomes more purified.
  • Skin becomes glow.
  • Eyesight becomes strong.
  • Help to regularize your metabolism.
  • Help in gastric trouble.
  • Remove excess gases from the stomach so your hunger becomes powerful.
  • Remove laziness.
  • Increase your work efficiency.
  • The mind becomes cool and calm.
  • Remove all mental-related problems
  • Very beneficial for students.
  • Relief in constipation.
  • Your intestine becomes powerful.
  • Very beneficial for diabetic patients because it stimulates the endocrine system.
  • Beneficial in urinal problems because it stimulates kidney function.
  • The shoulder becomes more strong.

Caution :

Those who are suffering from high blood pressure are advised to do this asana under the guidance of a yoga teacher.

Do not perform who are suffering from slipped disks, sciatica, or hernia.

8. Warrior Pose (Virbhadrasana)

Virbhadrasana word derived from “Vira”+ “Bhadra” + “Asana”, “Vir”  means Hero the ancient strong king, “Bhadra” means blessings and “Asana “ means pose.

Virabhadrasana, is one of the most powerful poses in yoga.

Warrior Pose New


Step 1.: Stand normal and calm keep a 3 to 4 feet distance between your both legs.

Step 2.: Stretch your both hands upward toward to sky with a palm grip.

Step 3.: Twist your upper body to the right side.

Step 4.: Bent on your right knee

Step 5.: Follow the above steps with your left leg while bending your left leg.


Inhel while your hands go upward, exhale while bent on your leg then breathe normally.


Repeat 5-6 times and stay 30 to 40 seconds in the final pose.


  • Legs muscles become strong.
  • You become stable mentally and physically
  • Enhance focus and willpower.
  • Bring mental peace, courage, strongness.
  • Regularize metabolism system
  • Enhance the immune system.
  • Eyesight becomes powerful.
  • Concentration power becomes strong.
  • Useful for students.
  • You become flexible by reducing excess fat from the belly area.


Do not perform who are suffering from high Blood Pressure.

10 thoughts on “8 Best Yoga Poses for Belly Fat”

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  3. Very nicely presented all yoga poses.The,benefits are really helpful for up keeping of health.Good initiatives.Keep it up .🧍‍♀️🧎‍♂️🏃‍♂️


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